The Good Samaritan Society
An Invitation to Join

The Good Samaritan Society recognizes the generosity of people who establish planned gifts through their wills or other methods for the future of residents of Presbyterian Communities of South Carolina.
Who is a member of The Good Samaritan Society?
Anyone who notifies PCSC in writing that a provision has been made for its mission and ministry through a bequest or other planned gift will be a member. Besides one's will, other types of planned gifts include naming PCSC in a charitable trust, charitable gift annuity, retirement plan (such as an IRA, 401-k or 403-b) or life insurance policy.
Why should I notify PCSC of my plans?
First, we want to thank you for your generosity. Second, we want to make sure we understand how you intend for your gift to be used. Please let PCSC know of your planned gift by contacting the Foundation Services office at 803-772-5885. You can also fill out our member profile form to let us know.